2009 SRX, the easy way

2009 SRX, the easy way

Postby conedoctor » September 30th, 2011, 4:29 pm

Install time is about 1/2 hour and I think every bit as good as the hard way.

Pull off the mesh looking panel in the back that covers the sub.

Take the 2 nuts 1 bolt (i think 3) that hold the sub in place, pull up off the studs and shove it to the front a few inches.

Reach back and unplug the onstar box (leave the box), make a bit more slack by pulling the wires to the front side of the mount (it will make sense when you see it)

Plug in the Bluestar

Move the sub back into place and replace bolts.

Glue, silicone or tape the Bluestar to the sub with the usb port facing out.

Reinstall the one panel you took off.

I can see the light through the panel and can hook up a usb cable in seconds.
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Re: 2009 SRX, the easy way

Postby mrcostar » October 5th, 2011, 11:58 am

Awesome tip! Otherwise, half the interior needs to come out.
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Re: 2009 SRX, the easy way

Postby TommyB » August 13th, 2012, 2:36 pm

Sure sounded easy.... Got a BlueStar for the wife's '09 SRX-AWD. Took off the sub cover, took out the 3 fasteners. Bose sub-Box would only budge an inch. could not feel or find the OnStar module. Could the OnStar be somewhere else?
Thanks for your help. :D
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Re: 2009 SRX, the easy way

Postby Tom-FL » August 13th, 2012, 3:30 pm

I had the same experience. The next day I went back to it, pushed and pulled a little harder. It doesn't move much, but it will move up and to the left just enough to get your fingers on the cables. It was not as easy as it was made to seem. But you can get enough of it to make it work.
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Re: 2009 SRX, the easy way

Postby jacklogan » January 13th, 2016, 4:14 pm

I bought my Costar after talking with Chris. I also agree that installing it this way is much easier.
I opened the area by the speaker, felt and looked around, then decided to go to a radio shop.
I explained what I wanted and they did it all in less than 30 minutes. Product works great.
They charged me $60.00. GREAT ITEM!!!!
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