A2DP Streaming

Re: A2DP Streaming

Postby Boomer79 » February 28th, 2012, 9:31 am

Have there been any further developments with this. I don't mind using my Aux in on the front of the radio to accomplish the ability to stream music just looking to have a similar control of the music player on my bluetooth paired phone. If that's workable now I'd buy this product.

Might consider a deck replacement vs. onstar replacement.
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Re: A2DP Streaming

Postby marty45714 » March 13th, 2012, 4:15 pm

Okay, this is sour grapes because I began this thread but was not invited to beta test the code. :(
How much longer before we see something? The last time I emailed you, you said something would be ready by CES.
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Re: A2DP Streaming

Postby mrcostar » March 15th, 2012, 9:04 pm

Very sorry for the delay on this.
I am working on the write up for the installation. Will try and post instructions here tonight.
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Re: A2DP Streaming

Postby edward » April 4th, 2013, 2:45 am

Greetings All,

I would order one of these units today. But I have posted a question asking for a simple confirmation from the company that this unit will work in my 2002 Cadillac Deville Base model? Although your specs say this unit will work in a 2002 Deville DTS there are three models of Deville and I am not positive it will work in mine. After a number of days, there has been no response from your team.

Any techie product like this must have good online support, at a very minimum in todays market, to convey integrity and product image. A forum like this is the most economic means to develop a positive product and company image by exemplifying an excellent support system.

I would appreciate if anyone can confirm this product will function properly in my car and if it is in fact plug and play? I would order one of these, but would first like to have this bit of assurance as a sign of good faith and that the company has adequate product support.
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Re: A2DP Streaming

Postby edro » February 14th, 2016, 3:20 am

Just a word for any peeps out there hoping to install one of these in a Base 2002 Deville. I bought this jewel and its been working great for over 2 1/2 yrs. Was a fairly easy install in the trunk where the connector is.

Did anything ever get finalized and perfected on the Streaming Audio in my model of Cadi?

The product has certainly worked great for me!
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